

Best Answer

The bumps on a Basketball, called pebbling, are quite numerous. In fact, there are 9,342,059 of them on a regulation size basketball.
there are 1,234,469,623

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Q: How many bumps on a basketball?
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Pimples on basketball?

Those dots are not called pimples, in proffessional terms they are called "spores" and there are appoximently 3,144 on a basketball.

What are the reasons for lumps on top of ball?

In most cases, the bumps on a ball are used mainly for griping whether it be a basketball or a football. In few cases, bumps are used for aerodynamics.

How do you know if a basketball has latex?

If your the surface of your hands starts to look like the bumps on the basketball, and start to itch uncontrollably, chances are it is a latex basketball. If you wheeze every time you play basketball, chances are it is a latex basketball. Of course, this is only if you have an allergy like I do. I have never encountered a basketball that did not have latex.

What is texture of a basketball?

Slightly rough, with raised bumps to aid in ball handling.

Do you have chickenpox if you have small bumps?

Many conditions cause small bumps. See your healthcare provider for a clear diagnosis.

What is the primary cause for chill bumps?

A person can get chill bumps for many reason. A person can be cold, scared and have something near them.

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How many ribs are on a basketball?

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Painful bumps on left side of scalp?

There are many reasons why you might have painful bumps on left side of scalp. These could be bug bites.

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What are red bumps on your stomach?

The burning red bumps could be many different things. Some things it may be is poison ivy, hives or scabies.