The bumps on a Basketball, called pebbling, are quite numerous. In fact, there are 9,342,059 of them on a regulation size basketball.
there are 1,234,469,623
Slightly rough, with raised bumps to aid in ball handling.
I would say a lot because you can make a lot of money playing basketball as a career.
there are so many player in NCAA,who are u talking about.
There are many like the shotclock violation, 8second rule
1200036987 people play NBL basketball is this answer even right???
Those dots are not called pimples, in proffessional terms they are called "spores" and there are appoximently 3,144 on a basketball.
In most cases, the bumps on a ball are used mainly for griping whether it be a basketball or a football. In few cases, bumps are used for aerodynamics.
If your the surface of your hands starts to look like the bumps on the basketball, and start to itch uncontrollably, chances are it is a latex basketball. If you wheeze every time you play basketball, chances are it is a latex basketball. Of course, this is only if you have an allergy like I do. I have never encountered a basketball that did not have latex.
Slightly rough, with raised bumps to aid in ball handling.
Many conditions cause small bumps. See your healthcare provider for a clear diagnosis.
A person can get chill bumps for many reason. A person can be cold, scared and have something near them.
Really ...
Women basketball
a basketball has 5 ribs
There are many reasons why you might have painful bumps on left side of scalp. These could be bug bites.
The burning red bumps could be many different things. Some things it may be is poison ivy, hives or scabies.