Keith Hernandez had a career batting average of .296. He had 2,182 career hits in 7,370 career at bats.
Willie Mays had a career batting average of .302, 3,283 hits in 10,881 at bats.
Through August 12, 2016, Alex Rodriguez has a career batting average of .295.
Hank Aaron had a career batting average of .305 (3,771 base hits in 12,364 at bats).
Pete Rose's career batting average was .303 (4,256 base hits on 14,053 at bats).
30 years
The average nurses career is twenty five years. Being a nurse is a great career and most nurses do it until they have enough years in to retire.
The career of the average back is less than 2.6 years.
The average career length is pretty long. This is because there are not as many injuries suffered in the sport as with football and basketball.
An average boxer makes around 8,000, it all depends on what is an "average"... And well, it all depends on which country its happening.. in china or Korea mma fighters are better paid than boxers, some boxers turned into mma cuz of that
5 years is average in the NBA.
They are actually some what opposite...goldens have long fur boxers have short. goldens have a gentle bite boxers have a deadly bite.
10-15 years if he is good.
Due to the Depression, pay for pro boxers was very low. The low pay caused the boxers to lose passion for the sport. Sport boxing was boycotted for lack of money to pay boxers.
The average time to complete the apprenticeship is 4 years. See Career
There is no time limit and the average professional career is approximately 6 years.