an average of 4 hours
About 3 hours.
The average duration is around two and a half to three hours.
For the three MLB seasons 2008-2010, there were 7288 regular season games played and 130050 base hits for an average of 17.84 per game.
There is a similar sounding trick question: On which baseball team did all the players have the same batting average as each other, both before and after the game? The answer to that is the Chicago White Sox on April 16, 1940, when Bob Feller threw his opening day no-hitter. All the players had a batting average of .000 both before and after the game. (Some will argue that technically the batting averages before the game was undefined (0 divided by 0) but standard baseball scoring shows a batting average of .000 in such a case.
in games it is typically about 5 or 6 so a baseball game will be on average 3 or 4 hours so about 15 or 20 hours for all 5 or 6 games
an average of 4 hours
on average $1.60
About 3 hours.
I know for a baseball game about 1 game
The average time for the game of life is 60 minutes.
long enough to make u fall asleep
123 cm
6 games
about 56 billion dollars a year
The average duration is around two and a half to three hours.
In the 2008 MLB season, the average runs scored per game in a National League game was 9.08 and in an American League game was 9.56.