In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. He made two more trips in the 1490's.
The research into that question continues and new archaeological finds are constantly adding to our knowledge of the very earliest native Americans. They may have been "here" (wherever that is) for over 40,000 years before Columbus arrived.
Trick Question! The Vikings discovered and lived in what is canada long long before Columbus was a Born!
Columbus never sailed on the Mayflower--an English ship which sailed in 1620--long after his death. He never stepped foot on the North American continent. His exploration is said to have taken place in 1492 with three ships. The Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria were his ships for that voyage and a few others.
the sky has always been blue the only time it is not blue is at night
They're married.
Hornets and Yellow Jackets get this large.
Information about Switzerland's traditional clothing includes the fact that both boys and girls wear tights and smocks. Men wear blue canvas jackets and women wear long-sleeved jackets with an apron. Many items of clothing are decorated with embroidery.
In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. He made two more trips in the 1490's.
christopher Columbus was named '' admiral of the ocean seas"after making landfall somewhere in the Bahamas. Chris has long been known as the man who " discovered" America.
10 years
No. It has been long gone and is now a doctors' office building.
about a year or so, all i know is he sailed the ocean blue in 1492 and arrived back in 1493 (: I hope this helps!
Blue Whales have been known to grow to over 36 yards in length.
pretty much since the start when Christopher Columbus founded it in the 1400s ever since then Haiti has been in plenty of oppression
Hair, Shoes, and Jackets