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Well back in 1845 they used rocks as bases.

Baseballs were more of a lemon shaped

there was no such thing as an RBI

Teams didn't have 25 men roster and there were no RP and CP

teams bench had like 4 players

if you didn't pitch you were playing on the field

relief Pitchers Were fields

Bats were thiner

HRs weren't that big back then only like 2 per person

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How has the construction of the baseball changed since the game of baseball was first invented?

Click on the 'History of the Baseball' link on this page. It gives a really good answer and history of the baseball.Baseball has changed in so many ways. In 1845 it used to be more different then baseball played today.

When was the baseball ball created?

Baseball was invented in America in 1845.

What baseball teams were in 1845?

In 1845, baseball teams were not organized on a professional level like they are today. However, amateur baseball teams existed during that time, primarily in the Northeastern United States. Some well-known teams of that era include the Knickerbocker Base Ball Club, the New York Baseball Club, and the Brooklyn Atlantics.

1845 year how much different value of the indian rupee and usa dollar that mean 1845-50 different value of the money?

In 1845 the Indian Rupee was not that different in value compared to the USA dollar.

What is the Roman Numeral for 1845?

In today's notation: MDCCCXLV

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Baseball was discovered around 1845 in New York.

When was baseball invented and by who?

alexander joy cartwright invented baseball in 1845

When was Tom Patterson - baseball - born?

Tom Patterson - baseball - was born in 1845.

What date was baseball invented?

Baseball as we know it today was not invented at any one time or by any one person. It evolved from he English game of rounders and the American game of town ball. Shane Foster, in 1845, was the first to WRITE DOWN many rules that are common today.

When did Alex cartwrigth write the rules of baseball?

he did it in 1845