yes i have been pogo sticking for year and i am 11 i can jump with no hands or one foot or one hand!
Caitlin Womack (age 10) did 10,009 pogo stick jumps on Thanksgiving.
Caitlin Womack (age 11) in 2010 did 10,009 pogo stick jumps on Thanksgiving.
The Foam Master Pogo stick generally costs in the region of å£75 or $100. This pogo stick can be purchased from sports stores or webpages such as Amazon or Ebay.
at the chicken festival
I did 800 jumps on a pogo stick and did not stop I kept trying but i only got to 800. Ask my neighbor if you think i am lying. Really no lie! I am not kidding seriously and i am only 11!
Just jump onto it!!!
Gary Stewart used a Flybar 1000 pogo stick to set the record for the highest jump on a pogo stick.
It depends on who is using it, as well as how well the pogo sticks condition is.
as you jump on the Pogo stick you press down on a spring at the bottom. Then the spring propels you back upwards .
I don't think there's a certain age, but I think you should be at least eight. Maybe seven... I have a pogo stick and I'm twelve, but they make them it different sizes.
It is better to use a pogo stick on concrete instead of a grassy area because concrete provides a more stable and flat surface for the pogo stick to bounce on. Grass can be uneven and soft, making it harder to balance and control the pogo stick. Additionally, the concrete surface allows for a more efficient transfer of energy from each bounce, resulting in better performance.
A pogo stick?
I'm sorry you should really eat a pogo stick. A pogo stick is something u can jump with. It is made out of metal or plastic. If you still want to know how many are in it, you probably wont find an answer because calories are usually used for food.
The highest pogo stick jup was 7'6 feet
No, a pogo stick is more of an avtivity than a toy. :)
A bag of sugar !
I am not sure where your pogo stick ended up. Perhaps you could ask your parents or look on eBay or in flea markets for a similar pogo stick if you would like to find a similar pogo stick.