The Olympic game today are, far more than anything else, a commercial venture as opposed to a competition between amateurs.
The actual sports activities are simply the 'hook' on which the rest of the spectacle is hung and have become almost incidental.
The Olympics games in the past were held in Greece and were originally just held in Greece, they are now held all over the world. The games have changed since then. There are so many different athletes competing now when it used to be a small event. Also it would happen once a year it is now held every 4 years instead. Also women can compete in addition to men.
The ancient Olympic games only allowed people of Greek descent to participate. The Olympics feature 2600 athletes from 77 countries. Only a few hundred athletes participated in the ancient games.
Only men were allowed to compete in the ancient Greek games. Athletic training in ancient Greece was part of every free male citizen's education. the women too can particapate in the olympics.
▪ The ancient Olympic games were held as a religious event to honor the Greek God, Zeus. A hundred oxen were typically given as a sacrifice. Frenchman Pierre baron De Coubertin, who helped revive the Olympic games in the nineteenth century, insisted that they feature the international competition of athletes.
The ancient Olympics yielded only one winner. A crown of olive leaves was placed on his head and a statue in his image was erected in Olympia. The current Olympics feature 15 types of events, each with a Gold, Bronze, and Silver medalist.
Winter Olympics are a modern invention. The ancient Greeks never thought of featuring skiing or other cold-weather events (for obvious reasons). The first winter Olympics was held in 1924 in Chamonix, France. Two hundred and fifty-eight athletes participated from seventeen countries.
The ancient games were always held in Olympia. Only the first modern Olympics has been held in Greece, though the next games will be as well.
1 billion
Japan has competed in the Olympics since 1912 so that's 100 years exactly :)
100 years
about 100 years
In the US and among many other western nations, transportation over the past 100 years has significantly changed. Here are some examples:* Tractor trailer trucks now carry a large amount of products. This was not the case 100 years ago;* Transportation of cargo and people often use airplanes, 100 years ago this was not the case;* Automobiles are now widespread popular ways the general public use for transportation. Once again, this was not the case 100 years ago; and* Passenger travel via ships is no longer a popular method of transport. Today ships designed for vacation trips, not transportation to other countries as a means of transport.
Communication has changed very much in the past 100 years.
1 billion
they have dried up over the years
Delhi was changed
bum bum bum
causes of death have changed over the last 100 years due to many reasons, such as a more widespread recognition of illnesses
Literacy rates have dramatically increased in the last 100 years. Nearly all individuals are literate by the time they are in first grade.
People have gotten taller.
Its newer.
One way work has changed over the last 100 years is that many of the women and men both work outside of the home. Also some people just work so that they can have good insurance.