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Greek architecture has influenced Western Civilization throughout the centuries, continuing long after the demise of Greece in ancient times. As a basic model of sorts for buildings of importance among more modern Western nations, Greek architectural features have been an ongoing inspiration and influence. The simple use of columns, capped and crowned in diversely Greek ways, has traditionally been used for private residences and minor public buildings in American society, among others.

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What civilization did Greek mythology influence?

First the Greek, later the Roman culture.

Ancient greek culture vs todays culture?

Ancient Greek culture was very different from today's culture. For example, the Greeks would take slaves, which is not very widespread in today's western culture.

How did the ancient Greeks influence the renaissance?

The Greek culture has been influenced by the Roman Empire. The Ottoman Empire has also significantly influenced the Greek culture, but historians credit the Greek War of Independence for the single entity of its multi-faceted culture.

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The Romans were so influenced by Greek culture because many who immigrated to Italy were Greek and so brought their religion and culture to Italy and developed it mixed with the previous settlers. A classic example/myth of this is the story of Romulus and Remus.

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What did Ancient Greek culture laid the foundation for western civilization?

by helping them

Which period of history influenced the classical greek and Romans?

The Romans were very influenced by the ancient Greeks, along with some inspiration from cultures of the Far East. The Greco-Roman ideals concerning philosophy, society, and culture have served as a foundation for Western culture and community as a whole.

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How has Greek culture influenced the countries of modern western nations?

Greek culture has had a significant influence on the countries of modern western nations in various ways. In terms of language, Greek has contributed words and grammatical structures to many western languages, particularly English. Greek philosophy and democracy have shaped the foundations of western political thought, while Greek art, particularly architecture and sculpture, has influenced artistic styles throughout history. Additionally, Greek mythology and literature have become an integral part of western storytelling and literary traditions.

Who brought Greek culture to ancient Egypt?

He did bring the Greek culture to ancient Egypt but we are not sure about how much they adopted it. Ancient Egypt as you might now already had a great culture since it existed for many years already. Alexander in fact spread the Greek culture to all the places that he reached in Asia and Africa including the Greek language.

What does Classical culture refer to?

Ancient Greek and Roman cultures and texts

How did Greek culture influence todays culture?

for century's Greek culture and philosophy has influenced modern culture. for example the Athenians influenced free thought and democracy which heavily influence western culture today, yet at the same time the Spartans heavily influenced military drill doctrines. thinkers and philosophers from Greece have influenced various man made ideas and still do today in fact some scientific and political influences can be traced back to the likes of Aristotle and Plato. when it comes to craftsmanship the ancient cities of Crete were fine craftsman and their work still influences people today