

How girls have pregenen cy?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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12y ago

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Q: How girls have pregenen cy?
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Source code of Maze game in Visual Basic Net?

um... i found this somewhere, i think it works. I use Java, so i dont know how it works. I think you can compile it in Microsoft Excel. (if you are a mac user, you wont be able to. anyway, here it is: Dim CX As Integer Dim CY As Integer Dim started As Boolean Dim playerdead As Boolean Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If CX = 0 Then CX = Cells(1, 1) End If If CY = 0 Then CY = Cells(1, 2) End If If playerdead = True Then Cells(CY, CX) = "" playerdead = False CX = Cells(1, 1) CY = Cells(1, 2) End If If Target.Row = 2 Then If Target.Column = 1 Then If Cells(2, 1) = ">" Then Cells(2, 1) = "ll" ElseIf Cells(2, 1) = "ll" Then Cells(2, 1) = ">" Else Cells(2, 1) = ">" End If End If End If If Cells(2, 1) = ">" Then Exit Sub If Target.Row = CY - 1 Then If Target.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle > 0 Then Cells(CY, CX).Select ElseIf Cells(CY, CX).Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle > 0 Then Cells(CY, CX).Select Else Cells(CY, CX) = "" CY = CY - 1 If Cells(CY, CX) = "F" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "F" CX = Cells(1, 1) CY = Cells(1, 2) Cells(2, 2) = "yippee!" Cells(2, 2).Speak ElseIf Cells(CY, CX) = "R" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "R" CX = Cells(CY, 1) CY = Cells(CY, 2) Cells(2, 2) = "poof!" Cells(2, 2).Speak ElseIf Cells(CY, CX) = "C" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "C" CY = Cells(2, CX) CX = Cells(1, CX) Cells(2, 2) = "poof!" Cells(2, 2).Speak End If Cells(CY, CX) = "J" End If End If If Target.Row = CY + 1 Then If Target.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle > 0 Then Cells(CY, CX).Select ElseIf Cells(CY, CX).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle > 0 Then Cells(CY, CX).Select Else Cells(CY, CX) = "" CY = CY + 1 If Cells(CY, CX) = "F" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "F" CX = Cells(1, 1) CY = Cells(1, 2) Cells(2, 2) = "yippee!" Cells(2, 2).Speak ElseIf Cells(CY, CX) = "R" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "R" CX = Cells(CY, 1) CY = Cells(CY, 2) Cells(2, 2) = "poof!" Cells(2, 2).Speak ElseIf Cells(CY, CX) = "C" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "C" CY = Cells(2, CX) CX = Cells(1, CX) Cells(2, 2) = "poof!" Cells(2, 2).Speak End If Cells(CY, CX) = "J" End If End If If Target.Column = CX + 1 Then If Target.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle > 0 Then Cells(CY, CX).Select ElseIf Cells(CY, CX).Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle > 0 Then Cells(CY, CX).Select Else Cells(CY, CX) = "" CX = CX + 1 If Cells(CY, CX) = "F" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "F" CX = Cells(1, 1) CY = Cells(1, 2) Cells(2, 2) = "yippee!" Cells(2, 2).Speak ElseIf Cells(CY, CX) = "R" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "R" CX = Cells(CY, 1) CY = Cells(CY, 2) Cells(2, 2) = "poof!" Cells(2, 2).Speak ElseIf Cells(CY, CX) = "C" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "C" CY = Cells(2, CX) CX = Cells(1, CX) Cells(2, 2) = "poof!" Cells(2, 2).Speak End If Cells(CY, CX) = "J" End If End If If Target.Column = CX - 1 Then If Target.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle > 0 Then Cells(CY, CX).Select ElseIf Cells(CY, CX).Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle > 0 Then Cells(CY, CX).Select Else Cells(CY, CX) = "" CX = CX - 1 If Cells(CY, CX) = "F" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "F" CX = Cells(1, 1) CY = Cells(1, 2) Cells(2, 2) = "yippee!" Cells(2, 2).Speak ElseIf Cells(CY, CX) = "R" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "R" CX = Cells(CY, 1) CY = Cells(CY, 2) Cells(2, 2) = "poof!" Cells(2, 2).Speak ElseIf Cells(CY, CX) = "C" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "C" CY = Cells(2, CX) CX = Cells(1, CX) Cells(2, 2) = "poof!" Cells(2, 2).Speak End If Cells(CY, CX) = "J" End If End If Cells(CY, CX).Select If Cells(CY, CX).Font.Bold = True Then playerdead = True End If If playerdead = True Then Cells(CY, CX) = "N" Cells(2, 2) = "ouch!" Cells(2, 2).Speak Else Cells(CY, CX) = "J" End If End Sub

What position did Cy played in baseball?

Cy Young was a pitcher.

When did Cy Hungerford die?

Cy Hungerford died in 1983.