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I heard at my school's freshmen Baseball team, you should pitch around 70 mph, so I guess around 70 or more.

First off it is not always about velocity. Understanding location. having movement and changing speeds is equally if not more important when playing high school ball or any level ball for that fact. Having said that, as a trainer of pitchers it is equally important that you have the proper mechanics that will allow you to throw more than a couple innings and maintain both movement and location. But if you are looking for an answer on velocity, I have trained 12 year olds that throw in the upper 60 low 70s and I have trained very dominate pitchers who are 15 and 16 who throw in the mid 70s and low 70s but have great plate presence and an off speed pitch that makes their fast ball seem like it is 10 miles an hour fast than it is.

If I can give you one piece of advice, Learn how to throw the pitch you need that gets the result you want. If that is a ground ball to short or a pop up to the infield than that is when you become a pitcher. Strike outs happen, inning ending double plays are created. If you learn this, you will be successful as a pitcher.

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