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Q: How far can the radius of a major league baseball teams territory extend from its home base?
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What is the diameter circumference or radius of a baseball?

A major league baseball is 73 to 76 millimetres in diameter.

What is the radius in baseball?

The radius of a baseball is 4 1/2 cm. (1.77 in.)

What is a hypergiant's radius?

A red hypergiant star could have a radius of up to 2000 solar radii or more, where one solar radius is the radius of our sun. If at the centre of our solarsystem, a hypergiant could extend out as far as Jupiter or more.

If the star spica was set in the center of the solar system how far would it extend?

Spica has a radius of about 5,150,400 km whereas the Sun has a radius of 696,000 km. So the "Spica Sun" would extend another 4,454,400 km into the Solar System.

Is there any major sports within 100 mile radius of Las Vegas?

Las vegas has a minor league baseball team, and a hockey team, but there are no " Major league " type teams that close. Los Angeles is your closest option.

What 2 bones in human body extend from the elbow to the wrist?

The two bones in the human body that extend from the elbow to the wrist are the radius and ulna. The radius is on the thumb side (lateral side) of the forearm, while the ulna is on the pinky side (medial side) of the forearm.

A radius of a circle is 13 1 6 what is the diameter?

By definition the radius of a circle is a straight line drawn from the centre of a circle to its circumference. If you extend that line to the opposite side of the circle it becomes the diameter. The length of the diameter is twice the length of the radius. If the radius is 1316 the diameter is 2632

How do you get the circumference of a baseball?

well cicumfrences formula is c=pi x radius squared so if u find the radius of a baseball multiply it by itself and the multiply it by pi and u got urself the circumference of a baseball

What is the circumference of a baseball with the radius of 1.5 inches?

The circumference is 9.42 inches.

How many square miles is the blast radius of an atom bomb?

The blast radius of an atomic bomb can vary depending on the size of the bomb and the height at which it detonates. In general, the blast radius of a nuclear bomb can extend for several miles, causing destruction within a radius of 1-5 miles or more. It can cover an area of several square miles, destroying buildings and causing severe damage within that zone.

Which two bones rotate over your wrist?

The radius and the ulna are the two bones that rotate over the wrist. The radius is the bone on the thumb side of the forearm, while the ulna is on the pinky side. They work together to allow the wrist to flex, extend, and rotate.

What is the blast radius for a nuclear bomb?

The blast radius of a nuclear bomb can vary depending on factors such as the type and yield of the bomb, as well as the environment in which it detonates. However, the blast radius of a typical nuclear bomb can extend for miles, causing significant destruction and casualties.