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The pointed end of a home plate faces the rear, away from the playing field. The home plate itself if in fair territory.

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Q: How does the point go on home plate?
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Where do the foul lines intersect with home plate?

the foul lines come directly to the point on the back of home plate. that is why a ball off the plate is a fair ball

How is earned runs scored in fast pitch softball?

you can steal home plate, you can be on 3rd when it is bases loaded and you are forced to go to home plate or you can be on 3rd and run to home plate when the ball is hit

Where does the point of home plate go?

There is no rule, but the point of home plate often faces west. This is so that the batter is not looking into the setting sun. This placement is the origin of the term "Southpaw" as a pitcher's left hand is on the southside when facing home plate, and a lefthanded pitcher would be facing south when in the stretch. Many other orientations are acceptable, but you would not want the batter facing west, nor the first baseman facing west when handling a throw from the other infielders.

Does the point of home plate face the pitcher or catcher?

Home plate's point faces the catcher. The opposite side is flat to the pitcher. Home plate also lies within the base paths whereas 1st, 2nd, and 3rd lie on the outside of the base paths. The pointy sides are the intersection of the 1st and 3rd base lines.

Can you score in baseball without crossing home plate?

I thinks so i think u can get a half point and quarter point

How is home plate fasten to the ground?

With metal spikes on the bottom that go into the ground and secure the plate from moving.

What happens if you do not touch home plate after hitting a home run?

He's out. Missing any plate is an out. If the bases were loaded and the man on 2nd missed the plate you would only score a point for the man on 3rd (assuming he hits the plate). There would be one out if everyone made it to the home plate, but the man on 2nd, 1st and batter would not get runs.

How is the distance measured from home plate to the pitching mound in fastpitch softball?

infeet it is 43 feet from home to the pitching mound

Exactly how far is it from home plate to the pictcher's mound?

In MLB, the front slope of the pitching mound begins 54' from the back point of home plate.

Where can one go to purchase a wall plate hanger?

One can purchase a wall plate hanger at a home decorating store. A wall plate hanger can also be found at a store that has a section for home decorations.

What is the primary reason to steal second base?

To get closer to home plate, and therefore closer to earning a point.

How can a team score a point an an inning?

Any runner safely crossing home plate before the third out is made in an inning scores a run (or point).