There are four divisions in each of the two conferences in the NFL. The eight division winners make the playoffs and the teams with the two best records in each conference that did not win their division make the playoffs as 'wildcards'.
wild cards:to get in to the playoffs (in your conf.) you have to be in at least 6th place to make the playoffs in your conf.
div.:in order to make the divisional playoffs you must be one of the 4 teams in your conf. to win a division (like the AFC WEST) of the 4 teams that won the div. in the conf. who ever has the 2 best records of those 4 make it to the div. which means they get a bye week in 1 week of the playoffs and who ever wins a wild card game that happens to be in there division they play them to get to the championship for there conf.
champ:of the to final teams in the conf. playoffs faces off for the AFC OR NFC title and who ever wins those faces off for the Super Bowl (NFC CHAMP VS AFC CHAMP)
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The best team in the NBA history is Phoenix Suns.
L.A. Lakers
lakes, bucks, celetics, Jazz, nuggets, pistons, klars,
yes los angeles and phiphidalphia 76ers
Each team that qualifies for the NBA Playoffs must submit a list of its players eligible to compete in playoff games on the day following the end of the regular season. Because there is no Injured List for the NBA Playoffs, each playoff team must designate the 12 players eligible for the playoffs from all of its regular season lists (Active, Injured and Suspended). A player who is on the Injured, Active or Suspended List at the end of the regular season, but who is not designated for playoff eligibility, need not be waived. He remains on the appropriate regular season list through the NBA Playoffs. Teams must have at least nine eligible players dressed and able to play in a playoff game. Teams failing to comply are subject to fines.
name the nba teams from last year playoffs
All of them have.
the dallas mavericks
The Oklahoma Thunder have not been in the NBA playoffs yet.
4 games
no it has never happened
Yes the 1998-1999 Chicago Bulls. They are the only team in NBA history that won the championship and didn't make the playoffs next year.
The best team in the NBA history is Phoenix Suns.
The answer is in the link below.
The NBA team that was first to be swept out was the San Antonio spurs and yet they were the 2007 NBA Champions.