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apply your self to a soccer school and then show them what you got. do your best and graduate so then if you do become good enough they would draft you into a professional academy. from there you will be on your way. By: Leo Burgess Coming from: Bermuda's Somerset trojans u15 boys WE ARE THE BEST TO EVER WALK THIS ISLAND!!!!!!!!! WE ARE UNDEAFETED CHAMPS!!!!!!!!!

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Q: How do you go for soccer try outs in England?
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What are the chances of becoming pro in soccer?

it is very hard to become a pro soccer player. you cant just play with a rep team or watever u play for u need to practise at least 2 hours a day and at all of your games u must give 100%. go to out of town try outs and get in your high school team. if you get a scholarship with a college or university that has a good soccer program then you may have a chance of making the mls draft.once you get into the mls you are in professional. if you want big time soccer then a little bit of luck is involved. but overall there is a very small chance of making it pro. that doesnt mean u cant try!

I play football in England at the semi-pro level but want to draw attention from America. How can you do this?

There are try-outs at many semi-pro teams. Do research on Adam Moffat and go the way he did. Moved from Scotland (Elgin) to America and is doing very well for himself.

Where did Dermot go to try and get help to win back his kingdom of leinster?

He went to Wales, then to England and finally to France.

Where is soccer originated from?

It goes back to ancient China, where the Chinese used to cut their prisoner's head off and use it as a ball, but not all the rules were made yet, so there were no fouls, no outs, and there were no goalies used. There are many stories for the origin of modern association football. The Native Americans had a game similar, Africa several tribal games kicking an object with their feet. But the most widely accepted origin is in the mid 1800's in England with the schools. For complete details go to the related link below.

Soccer like shaolin soccer?

no, because most people can't fly up in the air and make the ball go on fire

Related questions

What is the Easiest way to become a Pro Soccer Player?

be good at soccer & go to try outs

How can you try out for a French soccer team?

Go to France

Should I try out for my school's soccer team?

Yes, go for it, you cannot fail if you do not try. Good luck.

How can Culture affect sporting performance?

in some cultures such as England if you come from America and you go to England to play soccer then you'll have trouble because people from England call soccer football and if you don't know what it means then they will think that you want to play football. Because they also call football soccer. and then you will be playing football instead of soccer and that can affect your sporting performance.

Where can you become a pro soccer player?

In a lot of places. Just go to your local soccer club and try it out. You may become a great player.

Can you just go to England and have a try out there?

you have to get scouted or recommended by someone who plays for them

Will you be a soccer player?

Of course I will, because it's an amazing sport. I play now and I love it. GO ENGLAND IN THE WORLD CUP!

How can you try out for ny cosmos soccer?

go to they feild its on kassina blv and just look for coach andras

Can you use zombie and soccer in the same sentence?

Yes. Go watch "I hear you calling" from GOB. Sure, try this one. My soccer game was ruined when the zombie wandered on the field.They play soccer with zombies. Done.

How do you be a soccer coach?

To be a soccer coach you need to go to the league foundation and try for any team you want in that league but first you need to work hard for that and train well. By-David Navarrete

Where was football American originated?

go to...

Huge soccer try-out tomorrow any tips?

Just work your hardest and act like no one is there.I got into REP soccer and that's a big deal.All I did was play hard, and if you do too you will succeed too!GO SOCCER PLAYERS!