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First if you are skinny you need (now this may sound weird) more fat. You need to eat more. after you see that you are becoming less skinny start a confident workout schedule. I do 20 pushups at a time 3 times a day. 60 pushups a day really helps your pecks and biceps as well as your abs. DO NOT WORKOUT DAILY, you will really damage your muscles. Try this workout to start you out every other day. If you wish to move further with this there are other ways to excercise other parts of the body with different workouts.

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Q: How do you gain more muscle if I'm a skinny basketball player?
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What are the benefits on being a women basketball player?

Some benefits of being a women's basketball player include the opportunity to compete at a high level, develop physical fitness and athleticism, gain teamwork and leadership skills, and potentially earn scholarships or professional opportunities. Additionally, being involved in basketball can promote confidence, self-esteem, and provide a platform for positive role modeling and inspiring others.

You are a 17-year-old boy your height is 6ft7inch and you are so thin please give you some health tips so that your height growth will stop and you become healthy can gym be useful for you?

There is no reason to want to stop growing. At age 17 I was 6ft9inches tall and skinny. I bulked up alot after going to the gym alot in college. I'm 7foot2inches tall now and 210 pounds which is still really light for someone that tall. If you want to gain weight I would recommend muscle building workouts at the gym.

Are African Americans able to achieve better muscle development than other races?

Genetics play a major role in muscle DISTRIBUTION amongst all people, but not so much "development". To stratify it by "race" is a bit of a stretch solely due to the fact that each racial group has a variety of body types. You got those who are super scrawny who couldn't gain weight even if they swallowed bricks. And then you got those who just LOOK at the dumbells and Grow. And they are of all races, shapes and sizes. So are AA's able to achieve "better" muscle DEVELOPMENT. My answer is a "NO". Yes some people are just born Gifted with the "perfect" body types that gain muscle and lose fat easily (amongst all races), but they are very RARE (Pure mesomorphs make up about 1% of the population) . Most people gotta put in the work. Muscle DEVELOPMENT is a culmination of a hefty but good diet, consistent progressive weight training and a will of iron.

How should skinny people bulk up?

Weightlifting builds muscle mass and helps you gain good, firm & tone weight. Make sure you eat well (nutritious) and regularly. You should especially eat enough protein to build the muscle instead of burning it off. The answer below is ridiculous. There is no reason to tell someone to eat too much just to get fat. I assume you want to build a strong, shaped body, not become a lard couch potato. Answer Eat more. Why would you want to bulk up? Unless you're going out for sumo-wrestler. Eat more, exersize less. Which will make you weaker, slow your metabolism, make your bones less dense, and make your fingers chubby ^_^

What did the US hope to gain from the War of 1812?

to gain the land of Canada

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Is it better to be fat or skinny when doing weights?

it doesnt matter because if your fat, you lose weight and gain muscle with weights and if your skinny, you gain muscle

Will you gain muscle weight if you grow taller playing basketball?

Answer: Your frame size will become larger so you will gain weight, but not from muscle mass. You can gain muscle mass from exercise.

Can workout decrease fats skinny guy?

Working out does decrease fat. Done correctly, a skinny guy would also gain muscle mass. He could actually be heavier with muscle.

If your skinny is it better to gain weight before you start to work out?

Yes. It would be easier to gain muscle and get a little buff looking.

How do you gain muscle memory?

By doing something over and over again. A good example is a basketball player's shot. After years of practice, games, ect., their shooting form becomes muscle memory.

How do you get muscle if your skinny?

To gain muscle while being skinny, focus on consuming a caloric surplus through a balanced diet with adequate protein intake. Participate in resistance training exercises that target different muscle groups consistently to stimulate muscle growth. Allow for adequate rest and recovery for optimal muscle development.

Is you are a vegetarian and skinny how can you gain some muscle in two months?

excercise more on the areas that need it, if arms need more muscle try doing weights

How do you gain weight on your skinny arms?

Well, its hard to gain weight on your arms specifically, however, you can add mass to them by building the arm muscle (with pushups, etc.)

Do skinny people gain weight when exercising?

They can from exercises that effectively build muscle such as weight lifting. Obviously, you aren't going to gain weight from body fat. :P

How can you gain weight if you are skinny?

What you can do is eat lots of fatty food like, nuts and yougurt. These things are healthy and they help put on the pounds. You can also start working out to gain some muscle.

What do you do to again weight am too skinny?

In order to gain weight, you must consume more calories. In addition, it is important to try to add muscle tone.

Do fat people wish they were skinny?

some probably do, but i don't see the point really. in slavic culture being skinny means you're weak, which is kind of bad. But being skinny is unhealthy, you have trouble gaining weight and muscle. While fat people have more muscle than skinny people and can gain it easier than mesomorphs. based on this, i would say no, because the only thing that skinny people can brag about are their six packs, which onyl shows because they're skinny.