The process of getting a doctorate in history (actually called a doctorate in philosophy) varies a little from country to country. In the US you normally need: # A BA which includes history as a major. (4 years) # An MA in History. (2 years) # Then a doctorate (3 years)
Elizabeth Blackwell is one of the famous doctors in history. She was the first woman to become a physician (doctor.)
The Doctor from the BBC Tv Show Doctor Who could not be the President of America from ANY time period in American history and here is why: First, you have to be human, the Doctor is an alien Time Lord and from Gallifrey. Second, you have to be born in America. The Doctor was born on a different planet named Gallifrey. Thirdly, You have to be at least 35 years old become the president
He wasn't a medical doctor, but had a Phd in philosophy in 1955.
you can become a lawyer
Answer this question... Maths physical,biology english and history
He worked as a missionary and doctor in Africa, eventually expanding to become one of the most influential evangelicals in world history.
Unnatural History - Doctor Who - was created in 1999.
yes i want to become a doctor
There are noresponsibilities to become a doctor. There are a lot of responsibilities AFTER becoming a doctor. there r allot of responsibilities
When you become an doctor you can save lots of people's lives, and also if you become a big doctor your country will be very proud of you and so will your parents.
when you become a doctor in which way you can help the people
Elizabeth Blackwell is one of the famous doctors in history. She was the first woman to become a physician (doctor.)
I'm training to become a doctor and I can't do long division! :)
Any as long as it has the right course to become a doctor; if you are going to become a doctor you need to get into med school however, you do need good grades to get in .
To become a doctor, you will need to earn a mark of 90% or over.