i am will and the answer is they have to train really hard
The right answer is they train for 10 months and then go to where it is being held and train for another month.
There were no Olympic games in 1993. There were summer Olympic games in 1992 and 1996. There were winter Olympic games in 1992 and 1994.
Because it was not an Olympic year
in 1600 BC at Greece the Olympic games were set.
WWI cause the 1916 Olympic Games to be cancelled. WWII cause the 1940 and 1944 Olympic Games to be cancelled.
The next Olympic games will be held in Londen 2012
There are 3600 atheletes participating in the YOG(Youth Olympic Games)
The press is estimating 5,500 atheletes are going to particepate in the games
Olympic atheletes train by running and jogging which also makes your muscles stonger and makes you run a bit faster than you had before.
tell them they are in
Practice well
By Training
by the atheletes kiss me!
Not Ian Thorpe i think
they warmed up with a healthy diet!
The age limit is 16 invented by faizaan
How do they prepare for the Olympic games?I do nor know the answer but i was hoping WikiAnswers doplease tell me what the answer is i really need it.Thank you