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The Korean War began when North Korean troops swept across the thirty-eighth parallel and quickly drove the troops of the Republic of Korea to the toe of the Korean peninsula, in June, 1950. This was a test of the Truman Doctrine, and the policy of "containment." President Truman had stationed American troops in South Korea and an American fleet was already in Korean waters. Thanks to the absence of the Soviet delegation at the United Nations, Truman got that body to sponsor a "police action" in Korea to push the North Koreans back across the thirty-eighth parallel. The US made up most of the "police" in Korea

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12y ago
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9y ago

The purpose of the Korean War was to keep communism from spreading to the south and beyond. This 'contained' the threat to the area now known as North Korea.

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15y ago

Drive the communists north of the 38th Parallel and keep them there.

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15y ago

Very effective. The communists were stopped at the 38th Parallel. That Parallel still exists today.

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13y ago

Communism was contained in Korea; the communists failed in their conquest of South Korea.

Communism expanded in Vietnam; the communists succeeded in their conquest of South Vietnam.

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To contain communism. The Korean & Vietnam Wars were part of that containment policy.

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