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Q: How did miss Aggy treat George differently from pa Ben?
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what reason does Pa Ben give for recommending that Miss Aggy attend Miss Zaccy nine night function

What is the relationship between pa ben and miss aggy?

they were close friends

Who is Lois in the old story time?

lois is Len wife which mIss aggy dislikes.lois is a very caring And Generous person she also had a very bad past with george

What was the relationship between miss aggy and len as a boy?

Miss Aggy was a maternal figure to Len when he was younger, providing him with love and support. She acted as a mentor to Len, offering guidance and teaching him important life lessons. Their relationship was one of care, respect, and understanding.

What is the role of Lois in old story time?

lois is Len wife which mIss aggy dislikes.lois is a very caring And Generous person she also had a very bad past with george

What was miss aggy ambitions for her son in old story time?

Miss Aggy's ambition for her son in the play "Old Story Time" was for him to become successful, respected, and financially secure. She wanted him to have a better life than she did, and saw education and social status as the key to achieving this ambition.

What type of relationship did pa ben and ms aggy had in the book old story time?

In the book "Old Story Time," Pa Ben and Miss Aggy had a complex and tumultuous relationship characterized by unresolved feelings and misunderstandings stemming from their shared past. Their relationship is marked by themes of power, control, and deep-seated emotions that ultimately lead to tragic outcomes.

What are two things that miss aggy does that has a positive impact on len's life?

Miss Aggy offers support and encouragement to Len when he is feeling overwhelmed or discouraged, which helps boost his confidence and motivation. Additionally, she provides valuable guidance and advice to Len, helping him navigate challenges and make informed decisions, thereby positively influencing his life.

What is the role of miss aggie in old story time?

Miss Aggy is Len's mother and Pa Ben's bestfriend ! If you read the play.. you would've got your answer.. what i cant remember .. is what is her FULL name !

Why do men send miss signals to women?

They think differently.

What are the personalities of the characters in old story time?

In "Old Story Time" by Trevor Rhone, the characters have complex personalities. For example, Miss Aggy is seen as traditional and controlling, while Len is depicted as ambitious and determined. Characters like George represent the struggle of identity and self-discovery.