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The first Russian Revolution in March of 1917, brought in a new provisional government. As allies with France and England the new government remained in the war, even though its army was being badly beaten by Germany. The war caused many hardships in Russia, and part of the success of the October 1917 Bolshevik Revolution was Lenin's pledge to pull out of the war. To do this however, meant that the German treaty presented to Lenin was painful for Russia. It had to be signed however, as Germany was still successfully fighting the Russians in the east.

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Q: How did World War 1 effect the Russian revolutions?
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During what international war did the Russian revolution take place?

The Russian Revolution happened during World War I

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Their wars against Poland, the Russo-Japanese War, World War I, the two Russian Revolutions, World War II and, if it can be called a war, the Cold War.

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World War 1

Which ofd the following was not an effect of the russian revolution of 1917?

World war 1

What wer the causes of the Russian revolutions in 1917?

The war, poverty, and tyranny of the czar.

What are the impacts that World War 1 had on Russian people?

Impact on Russian people and whole world was tremendous. High losses and suffering in World War I caused two revolutions first against Monarchy in February 1917, second communist takeover in November 1917 and another bloody civil war right after that.

What caused the world war 1 and the Russian revolution and what effect did they have on world events?

This Dick.!Gotta Big &' I Know How To Use It .!!

What caused world war 1 and the Russian revolution and what effect did they on world events?

This Dick.!Gotta Big &' I Know How To Use It .!!

What causes world war 1 and the Russian revolution and what effect did they have on world events?

This Dick.!Gotta Big &' I Know How To Use It .!!

What caused caused world war 1 and the Russian revolution and what effect did they have on world events?

This Dick.!Gotta Big &' I Know How To Use It .!!

How did World War 1 effect Russian peasants?

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