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In 1940, a Spanish-born Soviet agent, Ramon Mercader, murdered Trotsky at his home in Mexico City.

He plunged an ice pick into his head, Trotsky screamed the most terrible scream and died a day later. Ramon Mercader got a beating from Trotskys staff but Trotsky sparred him as he said he now had a story to tell. :0

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Q: How did Stalin defeat trosky after Lenin's death?
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How did Stalin defeat Trotsky?

Stalin effectively outmaneuvered Trotsky within the Communist Party by forming alliances with key party members, gaining their support and isolating Trotsky. Stalin also manipulated party structures to his advantage, such as controlling party appointments and using his position as General Secretary to undermine Trotsky's influence. Ultimately, Stalin's political cunning and skill at consolidating power allowed him to defeat Trotsky in the power struggle for leadership of the Soviet Union after Lenin's death.

After what leader's death did Stalin become dictator?

Stalin came to power in stages after the death of Lenin (1924). By 1928 Stalin was the sole dictator of the USSR.

What was Joseph Stalin Favorite Quotations?

The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic." -Joseph Stalin

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How long was Joseph Stalin premier of Russia?

Stalin was Premier from 1924 to his death in 1953.

What happened to Joseph Stalin?

The downfall of Joseph Stalin was when he died in 1953. Stalin remained in power until his death.

Why was Trotsky exiled from Russia?

Leon Trotsky posed a threat to Joseph Stalin's hold on the power in Russia after Lenin's death. Many Bolshevik leaders supported Trotsky's philosophy of "permanent revolution" while others supported Stalin's policy of "socialism in one country." Stalin allied himself with Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev against Trotsky and eventually had enough people loyal to him to expel Trotsky from the Communist Party. Trotsky continued to criticize Stalin and tried to line up support against Stalin. Stalin knew the only way to completely eliminate Trotsky as a rival would be to get him out of the country entirely, so Trotsky was exiled to Turkey.Trotsky was exiled because of his opposition to Stalin.The excuse Stalin gave for the exile of Trotsky was that he did not go to Lenins funeral-but Stalin idid not invite him to the funeral.

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What does each animal in Animal Farm represent?

Old Major- Karl Marx/ Lenin Napoleon- Stalin(a horrible leader of russia who was the cause of millions of death and starved many. He was almost as bad as Hitler) Snowball- Trosky( he ran against Stalin in the elections and Lenin, the previous leader, had wanted Trosky to take over after him. He was a communist and a much better man than Stalin and Stalin new that so he later exiled him. When he realized that wasn't enough he had him killed) mollie- the rich of Russia who were fine with there previous lives Boxer- the working class Moses- The Russian orthadox churches that had once been shut down during the reign of Stalin. The churches came back soon after World war 2 began Benjamin- George Orwell or the people of Russia that didn't care much of communism because they knew it wouldn't change the greedy way of humans. the puppies- Stalin's secret police also known as the Checka. Manor farm- russia Squealer- Stalin's informer There are many other symboli meanings in the story like the surrounding farms. You should really researh this online to find out more. Mr Jones- Tsar Nicholas

When was Aghibasiin-Lessons on How to Defeat Death created?

Aghibasiin-Lessons on How to Defeat Death was created in 2004.

How old was Joseph Stalin at death?

Joseph Stalin died on March 5, 1953 at the age of 74.