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they performed the cardinal virtues by acting good, helping charities, and showing the world what a great role model they are. i know that following the cardinal virtues is not part of the ten commandments, but it should be. most people eshould live their dream, but not get cockey over it. people should NOT EVER rub things in other peoples faces.

fact about clemente: he died on new years eve.

fact about Sosa: he took part in the great Home Run Race. COOL!

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Q: How did Sammy Sosa and Roberto clemente perform the cardinal virtues?
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Did Sammy Sosa and Roberto Clemente take part in the cardinal virtues?

yes, they performed the cardinal virtues in many different ways. the cardinal virtues are prudence, which means a good judgment in life, temperance, keeping a balance in life, justice, being fair to all, and fortitude, showing courage and bravery. all you baseball fans, you should be following the virtues too!

What is another name for the moral virtues?

Ethical virtues or cardinal virtues.

Which virtues are known as prudence and justice and temperance and fortitude?

The cardinal virtues.

What term do we give to the four virtues on which all other moral virtues depend?

Cardinal virtues.

What are the five cardinal virtues?

The five cardinal virtues are: 1. Morality 2. Faith 3. Vigor 4. Mindfulness 5. Concentration

What is Allegorical fresco by Raphael?

The Cardinal Virtues

Cardinal virtues vs the lords prayer?

Roman Catholic AnswerI don't think that you can set these two in opposition, I think it would be the cardinal virtues AND the Our Father, not OR.

How many virtues of god are there?

There are 3 virtues which are love/charity, faith, and hope.

What has the author Ch Polloi written?

Ch Polloi has written: 'A retreat with Our Lady' -- subject(s): Cardinal virtues, Meditations, Virtues

What are the theological and cardinal habits?

Theological virtues (faith, hope, charity) are infused by God and are necessary for salvation. Cardinal virtues (prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude) are developed through practice and help us live a virtuous life. Both sets of virtues are pivotal in shaping a person's moral character and guiding them towards a life in accordance with God's will.

Which cardinal virtue is especially important to remain chaste?

The cardinal virtues are prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. They are all intertwined, but most agree that temperance is especially important in order to remain chaste.

What are Plato's four virtues?

Plato's four cardinal virtues are wisdom (phronesis), courage (andreia), moderation (sophrosyne), and justice (dikaiosune). These virtues are seen as essential qualities for leading a just and fulfilling life according to Plato's philosophy.