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Stalin seemed to have just agreed with the communist ideals.

He was a classical communist by what he considered values and his ideas on running a country so naturally he would choose the communist party.

Joseph Stalin "became a communist" because as a child he watched the changing economic climate go from individual artisan to mass production. His father was a cobbler by trade with his own business, but a shoe factory was built and it put him out of business. He even had to take a job there for awhile, but didn't hold it and became a drunkard later abandoning the family. So Stalin had first hand knowledge of how the industrialization that capitalism brought with it could destroy people's lives just as Karl Marx said it would. Stalin then turned to the teachings of Karl Marx, found them agreeable and became a believer in socialism and communism.

Stalin was absolutely not a "classical communist." Marxian communism was supposed to work to the advantage of the workers and peasants. Under Stalin, they suffered more than they had at any time under Tsarist rule. Under Marx's version of socialism, the workers were supposed to be the owners and controllers of the means of production, but under Stalin the government owned and controlled everything. The workers and peasants had nothing.

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12y ago
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10y ago

Russia became "communist" (actually more like a Dictatorship) because the autocratic government of the Tsarist regime failed to provide food to its people and insisted on fighting World War I. Then the democratic Provisional Government which was put in place when the Tsar abdicated in March 1917, also failed to end the war and the food shortages. When the Provisional Government lost the support of the Russian people, Lenin and his Bolshevik supporters simply staged a coup which eliminated the Provisional Government and gave power to the many workers councils called Soviets in the larger cities. The people supported the Bolshevik takeover at least temporarily because Lenin got Russia out of the war, redistributed land to the peasants and curtailed the food shortages. Lenin and the Bolsheviks were Marxist and intended to adopt a socialist system and eventually to become a communist country. True Marxian communism was never instituted in Russia.

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10y ago

Russia became a communist nation because of poverty and unfair treatment by the monarchical government. The average person had no voice and a large percentage of them believed that communism would give that voice.

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12y ago

people earned the same amount of money, so...

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12y ago

it became a country because Russia is a boss.

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16y ago

The communists took over by force during the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917.

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13y ago

Because they wanted to learn how to speak Russian.

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9y ago

Communism occurred in Russia because people were more poor and desperate in Russia than in Britain.

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2y ago

It didn’t. The so-called Soviet Union was state capitalist. Communism means no money, no classes, no government.

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