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Lenin believed pure communism could not be achieved immediately. What he began instead was the "New Economic Policy". He believed this would put Russia on the road to pure communism over time. He also sought cooperation from other nations in order to bring the desired economic state about.

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Lenin did not exactly retreat from Communism since true Marxian communism was never set up. Lenin did retreat from Marx's view of post-revolutionary socialism and its aim that private property would be abolished and that all vestiges of capitalism would be eradicated. What happened was the abolition of private property in Russia's industries caused production to plummet making things worse than they had been prior to the revolution. In order to rebuild Russia's crumbling industrial base, he instituted the "New Economic Plan," (NEP). This was an example of Lenin's phrase "take two steps forward, one step backward." Under the NEP, peasant farmers were allowed to retain ownership of lands and work their lands for personal profits just like capitalists. Even some industries were allowed to work for individual profit. Lenin saw this strictly as a short term remedy to get Russia and its economy back on its feet. Many Russians Marxists were appalled at this, because they saw it as a retreat from the goals of the revolution especially that of eradicating capitalism.

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Because Lenin and other leading Communists, however, only intended the NEP to be a temporary retreat from the goals of communism.

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Lenin's NEP never did lead to communism. In fact, the NEP was a controversial return to capitalism in the areas of agriculture and small businesses. In that respect, it was a retreat from socialism and the anticipated march toward communism. Lenin introduced it as a temporary measure to bolster a failing economy, which threatened to lead to another revolution which would have swept him and the Bolsheviks out of power for exactly the same reasons the Tsar and then the Provisional Government were swept out of power.

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Lenin's emergency measures were called "war communism." War communism was later changed with Lenin's New Economic Policy.

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in 1917

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