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In oversimplified terms:

As to Lenin: Marx believed that the economic systems in place at a given moment in history determined the societal and political systems of those times. Marx believed industrialism created the capitalist system. Lenin believed the opposite. He believed that the political system would determine the economic system. Lenin believed that the political system had to change first before an economic change could take place, because the government would have to force the Bourgeoisie to give up private ownership of the means of production.

As to Stalin: Marx believed that capitalism would evolve into socialism which would then evolve into communism. Government, the state would become less and less necessary until it would simply wither away and disappear under a true communist state. Stalin believed the opposite. He believed that the state had to become stronger in order keep the country on the road to communism. He believed the state had to force the society to keep from returning to its former capitalist ways.

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Q: How did Lenin and Stalins new socialist order differ from the society envisioned by Karl marx?
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