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Lenin did not have to gain control of the Communist Party. He founded it. In 1903 he started the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) when he and his supporters disagreed with a vote by the (RSDLP. The Bolsheviks remained a separate faction and then formed their own separate party, the Bolshevik Party. After the Bolsheviks took over the government in 1917, they changed their name to the Communist Party with Lenin still as its leader.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Lenin never achieved communism. He achieved socialism. He did that by organizing the Bolshevik Party and overthrowing the Russian Provisional Government in the October Revolution of 1917. Once in power abolished the private ownership of property, nationalized all industries and took control of all farms. His brand of socialism was imposed by force with anyone who disagreed or resisted being exiled, imprisoned or executed.

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Q: How did Lenin achieve communism?
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