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Those on the west coast (declared military zones) were placed in internment camps for three years, many losing their homes and businesses. They were also discriminated against, as people felt all Japanese were untrustworthy after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The Propaganda campaigns during World War II included considerable anti-Asian racism.

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Unfortunately, racism was a huge part of United States history and Blacks were not the only race to suffer unequal and prejudicial treatment. Asian-Americans did not become accepted as "true Americans" until the mid-1960s. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, many Americans saw the Japanese-Americans as a fifth column. This meant that they viewed the Japanese-Americans as secret spies for Japan and inherently disloyal to the United States. Strangely, from a modern perspective, German-Americans, Irish-Americans, and Italian-Americans, who were much more vociferous opponents of US Military policy in World War II were not even considered for discriminatory treatment, showing that this boils down to racism and fear of Asians more than it does legitimate security concerns.

In order to deal with this perceived loyalty, the President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 on February 19, 1942. This order was used to round up Japanese-Americans all along the Pacific coast (the largest area of Japanese-Americans in the United States) and place them in internment camps. In 1944, the US Supreme Court upheld the validity of the camps on the grounds of necessary military action. Surprisingly, the Japanese-American response was not to riot or protest, but to actively seek to assist the United States military in World War II. To "prevent" the Japanese-Americans from being in contact with other Japanese, most Japanese-American units were sent to the Italian Front, where some of them earned the highest amounts of commendations and medals. After the war, the Japanese-Americans were released from the camps without any property of money from which to make a living. However, many of them were resourceful and able to sustain themselves in the following decades.

In the 1980s, the US Federal Government admitted its wrongdoing and compensated every family that still had a surviving member from the internment camps for this violation of their civil liberties.

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After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese citizens and immigrants were put in concentration camps

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12y ago

There were being sent to interment camps

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Q: How did Americans treat Japanese immigrants after the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941?
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