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You cannot get 8 batters in 1 half inning, the most batters (roster spots) you can get to the plate in 1 half inning is 7 (although everyone here says 6, that is incorrect) -- in a half inning you can have 7 batter slots in the line up come up by:

- 3 runners on, reaching in any manner (3 batters)

- 2 batters get out (5 batters total)

- batter puts ball in play everyone advances a base, including the guy from 3rd to home (6 batters)

- batter is announced (making his appearance official), then without throwing a pitch, the defense team appeals a call (say the guy didnt touch home) -- ump calls him out

there you have it -- 7 batting slots in the lineup make official batters (because if a 7th batter is a pinch hitter, even though he never sees a pitch he is officially in the game, and takes the roster spot of the player he was subbed in for), no runs scored


You can only have a maximum of 6 batters appear who receive official plate appearances in a half inning without scoring a run. As stated above, you get 3 runners on in any manner, and then the next 3 batters get out without anyone scoring (i.e strikeouts), this would be 6 batters total receiving a plate appearance. In the scenario above, the pinch hitter or the 7th 'batter' would not receive any official stat other then "+1 in games played"

Discussion behind this answer
  • To give a solid answer to this question we would need to define what a "batter" is, is a player officially a batter when he is announced to the plate, once he receives a pitch, once his "plate appearance" is complete", ect?
  • With pinch hitters, you could theoretically have any number of players bat in an inning (up to the roster limit of a team, I suppose).
  • If it is one full inning and not a half inning, then you can simply by getting a couple runners on base
  • if you are a good team and your batters are good you can sometime go threough the line up once witch is nine players and maye one ore two or more the second time you run through your line up .
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However improbable it can be done through a combination of rain delays, traded players, batting out of order, bases loaded HR in which appeal for batter not having touched first base would negate all other runners etc...

Unless you're pinch hitting for people in the middle of their at-bats (which to me is cheating for the purposes of this question), it's impossible. The maximum number of batters you can send to the plate in an inning without scoring is six.

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Q: How can nine batters face a pitcher in one inning have three outs and not score a run?
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What is an Immaculate Inning in Major League Baseball?

An immaculate inning in major league baseball is one in which three batters are retired on nine straight strikes.

Who was the pitcher in the New York Yankees vs Detroit Tigers game in the 12th inning when Derek Jeter broke his ankle?

On October 13, 2012, David Phelps was the Yankees pitcher in the 12th inning when Derek Jeter was injured.Phelps gave up two runs on three hits in that inning and took the loss for game one.

What pitcher made the fewest pitches in one inning?

There are many pitchers who have made the fewest pitches in one inning. Three. Each batter swung at the first pitch and it resulted in an out. It still happens today, although it's usually four to six.

Who was the first Cardinals pitcher to record three straight strikeouts in one inning on nine pitched balls?

Bob Gibson. On May 12, 1969 Gibson struckout Len Gabrielson, Paul Popovich, and John Miller of the Los Angeles Dodgers in the 7th inning on 9 total pitches.

What is the minimum number of pitches possible for a pitcher to make in a major league baseball game assuming he plays the entire game and it is not called prior to completion?

Since there are nine(9) innings in a "regulatiion" game and there are three opposition batters in each inning making a total of twenty-seven(27) for the entire game the answer would seem to be obvious. Twenty-seven(27) or one(1) pitch per batter.

Related questions

Why is when a pitcher strikes out all three batters in an inning it is called striking out the side?

the "side" is the term used for that teams part of the inning. so when they say striking out the side that means they struck out every batter in that part of the inning.

If a pitcher enters the game in the 8th inning with the score 5-0 pitches the 9th inning and the game ends with a score of 8-0 does the pitcher gets a save?

No he does not. You must enter the game with the score being within 3 runs of the other team. But if the pitcher pitches three innings without giving up the lead, (after the starter) then he is awarded the save as well. example: 1-0, 5-2, 9-8

What can you conclude if your pitcher is taken out in the eighth inning because you are losing six to four and you score three runs and take the lead in the ninth after a new pitcher is put in?

That's great. What happened in the bottom of the ninth?

First pitcher to strike out 20 batters in a game?

There have been three pitchers to strikeout 20 batters in one game and one pitcher to strikeout 21 batters in a game. The three to strikeout 20 were Kerry Wood, Roger Clemens, and Randy Johnson. All three struckout all those batters in a nine inning game. The pitcher to strikeout 21 batters, Tom Cheney, needed 16 innings. Cheney's 21 strikeouts is the MLB record for strikeouts by a pitcher in a single game.

If im winning 4-0 in the 9th inning can you get a save?

According to the MLB Official Rule Book, a pitcher is credited with a save when 1) the pitcher is the last pitcher the team uses and 2) the pitcher is not credited with the win and 3) one of the following three conditions apply ....A) the pitcher enters the game with a lead of no more than three runs and pitches for at least one inning or ....B) the pitcher enters the game with the potentional tying run on base, at bat, or on deck or ....C) the pitcher pitches at least three effective innings regardless of what the score was when they entered the game In MLB, since a save is awarded if the finishing pitcher enters the game with the tying run being at bat or on deck, it would be possible to be credited with a save when entering a game in the ninth inning with the score 4-0. If the pitcher enters the game at the beginning of the ninth inning of a 4-0 game a save cannot be credited. Rules 1 and 2 above would be satisfied but Rule 3 would not. But if the pitcher enters the game with the bases loaded and the score 4-0, a save can be awarded since the first batter the pitcher faces is the potential tying run.

How does a pitcher walk three batters give up three hits and no runs?

In different innings?

Has one pitcher ever struck out more than three batters in the same one half inning in the major leagues?

Yes. Through the 2008 season, that has happened 51 times in MLB history. The last time was June 21, 2008 when Scot Shields of the Angels struckout four Phillies batters (Greg Dobbs, Jimmy Rollins, Shane Victorino who reached first base on a wild pitch on strike three, and Ryan Howard) in the 8th inning. Chuck Finley is the only MLB pitcher to have struckout four batters in an inning more than once. He did this three times, twice while pitching for the Angels and once while pitching for the Indians.

Has a pitcher ever thrown a three pitch inning?

thousands of times

How many baseball batters must be out before the whole team is out?

Three batters must be out in an inning to switch to playing in the field

How can seven batters come to the plate and not score a run?

If the first batter walks or gets on base, but the next three batters get out, that's three outs after four batters without scoring a run. Then, the next three batters could also get out without the runner advancing or scoring, resulting in seven batters coming to the plate without scoring a run.

How many softball battersmust be out before the team is all out?

Three batters must be out before their batting part of the inning is over. They get three more outs in the next inning. by monica

What does it mean to strike out the side?

this means the picher strikes out the three batters he faces in the inning.