None, each inning has a total of 6 outs so we would need at least 6 pitches, one per batter.
In baseball language, there is no first or second half as one sees in an American football game. Now the game has nine innings. Speaking mathematically, when the game reaches its 4.5 worth of innings played, that can be called a half. Benchmarks of tradition are the 7th inning stretch which is the end of the visiting team's 7th inning. The time between the top half of the 7th inning, and when the bottom half begins, it's called the 7th inning stretch. In many baseball stadiums a song such as "God Bless America" is played, normally from a recording.
27, one pitch for each out for a nine inning game. _______________________ The above answer is incorrect. The correct answer would be zero pitches. If a batter steps into the batters box with an illegal bat then that batter is immediately called out, and the pitcher is credited with the out. So, if the visiting team's first batter stepped into the box with an illegal bat then he would become the first out without a pitch needing to be thrown; if the second and third batters also stepped into the box with illegal bats then they too would be called out, and the top of the inning would be concluded. For the purposes of this explanation, let's assume that the home team scores a run in the bottom of that first inning. So, if the remaining 8 innings occurred exactly as the first inning occurred -- with each of the visiting batters entering the batters box with an illegal bat -- then all 27 visiting batters will have been called out without a single pitch needing to be thrown by the home pitcher in any inning. Since 27 outs have been recorded, the home pitcher is eligible to be credited with a complete game; thus, the correct answer is zero pitches. I do understand that this scenario would NEVER actually occur; however, a scenario wherein 27 batters came to the plate having made 27 consecutive first-pitch outs is no more likely to occur, so it is thus equally plausible to assume the zero-pitch answer is correct as it would be the 27-pitch answer. Besides, the question does not ask what the actual lowest number of pitches thrown in a complete game was, but just what the lowest possible would be. So, again, the answer is zero. ~ badlukk13 ----------------------------------------- Setting aside the above answer - which, technically is correct - and assuming the pitchers actually pitch, if the home team is leading at the end of 8 1/2 innings (going into the bottom of the ninth) they don't play the last half of the inning and the home team is declared the winner without playing the last half inning. The pitcher for that team need only get 3x8 = 24 players out - consequently the minimum number of pitches would be 24. There is at least one other condition where it would be even less: If the home team is leading after 5 1/2 innings and the game is called for rain, it counts as a complete game and a pitcher can have it counted as a complete game after facing only 3x5=15 batters. In that case the theoretical minimum would be 15 pitches.
King Tut married his half-sister Ankhesenamun when he was 8 and she was 13.
#1You cannot get 8 batters in 1 half inning, the most batters (roster spots) you can get to the plate in 1 half inning is 7 (although everyone here says 6, that is incorrect) -- in a half inning you can have 7 batter slots in the line up come up by:- 3 runners on, reaching in any manner (3 batters)- 2 batters get out (5 batters total)- batter puts ball in play everyone advances a base, including the guy from 3rd to home (6 batters)- batter is announced (making his appearance official), then without throwing a pitch, the defense team appeals a call (say the guy didnt touch home) -- ump calls him outthere you have it -- 7 batting slots in the lineup make official batters (because if a 7th batter is a pinch hitter, even though he never sees a pitch he is officially in the game, and takes the roster spot of the player he was subbed in for), no runs scored#2You can only have a maximum of 6 batters appear who receive official plate appearances in a half inning without scoring a run. As stated above, you get 3 runners on in any manner, and then the next 3 batters get out without anyone scoring (i.e strikeouts), this would be 6 batters total receiving a plate appearance. In the scenario above, the pinch hitter or the 7th 'batter' would not receive any official stat other then "+1 in games played"Discussion behind this answerTo give a solid answer to this question we would need to define what a "batter" is, is a player officially a batter when he is announced to the plate, once he receives a pitch, once his "plate appearance" is complete", ect?With pinch hitters, you could theoretically have any number of players bat in an inning (up to the roster limit of a team, I suppose).If it is one full inning and not a half inning, then you can simply by getting a couple runners on baseif you are a good team and your batters are good you can sometime go threough the line up once witch is nine players and maye one ore two or more the second time you run through your line up .
No..there is no such thing as a half-run in baseball.
Its a 5 point mercy rule
There can be many reasons why an elbow on a 14 year old can hurt. It could be tennis elbow or a problem in the joint. If it has been hurting for a half year, it is best to see a doctor.
No, it has not been discovered, and I don't think it ever will be.
3 per half inning
About 17 and a half million songs have been made.
There are a total of 6 outs per inning... 3 for the Visiting team (top half of the inning)... and 3 for the Home team (bottom half of the inning).
No. The widest tornado ever recorded was half that: 2.5 miles wide.
There is a trail of beautiful memories
yes, he was arrested for a fight with his neighbour about a year and a half ago
No accurate records, but literally millions were made.