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Ball Bouncing Home Runno because if it bounce over the fence it is called a ground rule double. the runner advances to second base. so no it hasn't and never will.

Yes, this was a rule in MLB until 1930. The rule was changed for the 1931 season to read:

"A fair hit ball which bounces through or over a fence, or into the stands, is considered a ground rule double instead of a home run."

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Q: Has the ball ever bounced over the fence for a home run in Major League Baseball?
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Yes there is a regulation size for Major League Baseball fields, in the case of the infield, it needs to be a 90 foot square. The outfield does not have any regulation size between the 2 foul poles, their regulation size is only in the case of its distance to home plate so the distance between home plate and the Outfield fence must be at least 250 feet however along the foul lines the distance between the plate and the outfield fencce must be at least 320 feet and the distance must be at least 400 feet between the plate and the fence in Center Field.

What is the shortest fence in Major League Baseball history?

436 feet to right center field at Minute Maid Park, home of the Houston Astros.

If a ball hits the yellow line at the top of the fence in the outfield is it considered a home run?

I've seen home runs where they've bounced off the noggin of the guy chasing after it. If it's in fair territory, if it goes over the wall it's a homer, unless it bounces off the ground and then goes over. Then it's a ground-rule double.

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You look through a hole in the fence to watch a Baseball game.

How far is the little league world series fence?

225 feet

What is a run in baseball?

A ball hit over the fence

What is size of little league field in acres?

Baseball rules do not specify the distance to the outfield fence, so fields vary in size. Little league fields usually measure around 200 feet to the fences, meaning the field would cover just under an acre.