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Sadly, Yes.

Most recently, Nodar Kumaritashvili died February 12, 2010. He was a Georgian luger.

  • In 1972, Munich, West Germany- an Islamic terrorist group called the Black September kidnapped eleven Israeli athletes while they were sleeping, took them hostage and murdered them, along with a German police officer. Five members of Black September were killed as well.
  • At the 1992 Albertville Games, Nicholas Bochatay of Switzerland died after speed skiing into a snow grooming machine during training on the next-to-last day of the games.
  • Ross Milne-Australian downhill skier- struck a tree during a training run shortly before the 1964 Winter Games.
  • In 1988- British luger Kazimierz Kay-Skrzypecki died in a crash during training in Innsbruck.
  • Also in 1988 at the Calgary Games, an Austrian team doctor, Jorg Oberhammer, died after being hit by a snow grooming machine.
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14y ago
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14y ago

Hi - yes there have been 2 athletes who have died.

In the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome, Danish cyclist Knud Enemark collapsed during his race under the influence of Roniacol and later died in the hospital. It was the second time an athlete died in competition at the Olympics, after the death of Portuguese marathon runner Francisco Lázaro at the 1912 Summer Olympics.


In addition to that. . .

On February 12, 2010, (2010 Winter Olympic Games) 21-year old Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili died following a crash at the Whistler Sliding Centre in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. He was near the end of a pre-Olympic training run and clocked at 144.3 km/h before he hit one side of the wall, crashed into the other, and was thrown off his sled and over the wall before hitting a metal pole adjacent to the track.


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15y ago

No. The answer is yes. A Portuguese runner collapsed in the 1912 marathon and died the next day and a Danish cyclist overdosed on drugs and died in 1960.

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