Emmett Ashford. Ashford was an American League umpire between 1966-1970.
In the 2009 season, no. There have been 39 former MLB players that became MLB umpires. The most recent was Bill Kunkel who was a pitcher for the Athletics and Yankees between 1961-1963 and an American League umpire between 1968-1984. There is 1 umpire who was elected to the Hall of Fame that was a former player. Jocko Conlon was a National League umpire between 1941-1965 and played for the Chicago White Sox in 1934-1935.
No contest. Tim McClelland has won every SI player poll ever conducted for best umpire. each time getting more than twice as many votes as second place. The last vote was in 2006, and with more than 70 umpires from which to choose, McClelland got 29% of all votes! http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/players/06/20/poll.0620/index.html
No woman has ever played in MLB
Go be a loner
Abraham Nunez
Emmett Ashford. Ashford was an American League umpire between 1966-1970.
Very rarely. And in the cases where it does, it is because the umpire goes to the other umpires on the field and asks them if they saw the play differently.
MLB Rule 6.02 makes it clear that the calling of "Time" is entirely at the discretion of the umpire. Any player can REQUEST that time be called, but only an umpire can GRANT the request.
That has been brought up in owners meetings but, as of the 2008 season, there is no challenging an umpire's decision in MLB.
jackie robinson
I don't know. Go ask one.
No, not in a High School, College, or a MLB game. In little league 1 umpire is often used.
Chuck Norris
At first Umpire kids games train hard you have to be very fit sign your name up as a AFL umpire At first Umpire kids games Train hard you have to be very fit and then sign your name up as a AFL umpire