

Does ecoli cause wound infection

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: Does ecoli cause wound infection
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What can ecoli do to your body?

it is in the intestines and can help digest food, but some types can get into your blood stream and cause an infection.

Does smoking marijuana cause infection if you have a open wound in mouth?

yes it does infact

Does an infection cause redness swelling odor and drainage from a wound?

An infection can cause one or all of those symptoms: redness, swelling, odor, and drainage.

Can a a person recover from an ecoli infection in the kidney?

Yes with antibiotics

Who reasoned that microorganisms must must be cause of infection and should be be kept out the wound?

Louis Pasteur

What happens if you pull a scab off a wound too early?

A scab serves as a biological dressing, thus preventing microbes from invading the wound and causing an infection,. Removing scabs leaves the wound vulnerable to infection. It can also cause the scar to be more pronounced

Can in infection cause a lesion on the brain?

Well since a lesion is a cut or wound, no. Not unless it was an infection that has hard pieces that could cut the brain.

What happens if you stab yourself with a pen?

Stabbing yourself with a pen can cause pain, bleeding, and potentially an infection if the wound is not properly cleaned and treated. It is important to seek medical attention if the wound is deep or if there are signs of infection.

Can removal of stitches in 5 days cause ulcerated wounds in the breast at the stitch site?

no,removing stiches around the seventh day should not cause ulcers unless there is an infection on the surgical wound,case in which is not considered an ulcer but a not healed surgical wound due to an infection.

What is the expected recovery time for ecoli infection of the kidney?

About 7 to 10 days antibiotics should clear the infection

Why do you think is it extremely important for a closed wound suction drain to work properly?

Because if the wound is closed, the drain is the only way all the nasty fluids can drain out of it..If the fluids are stuck in there, like if the drain is clogged, then the wound cant heal properly and the waste from the wound can cause worse infection or systemic infection like sepsis.

What can you get from an open wound infection?

swelling of the wound,pus in the wound ,pain,redness