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I am going to say a maybe because some people say it does exist some people says it does'nt so it could be a yes or a no.

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Q: Does atlantis exist
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Do people scuba dive to Atlantis?

No, scuba diving to Atlantis is not possible because Atlantis is a legendary lost city that has never been proven to exist. It is a mythological city that was first mentioned by the Greek philosopher Plato.

Is atlantis a planet?

No, Atlantis is not a planet. According to Greek mythology, Atlantis was a mythical island city that supposedly disappeared into the sea. It is not a celestial body like a planet.

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they do exist and they are in full numbers near Atlantis.

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It is not even sure whether Atlantis existed. Assuming it did exist, those details are not known.

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No, the city of Atlantis has not been found. It is considered to be a mythical island that has never been proven to exist.

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Is there really a hidden city of Atlantis?

While it is fun to speculate, there has never been any evidence to support the existence of Atlantis. If it did exist, it was destroyed centuries ago.

Is it possible that the Philippines was made from Atlantis?

Anything is possible - well, almost. There have been many hypotheses about Atlantis. No clear evidence for Atlantis exists, to date. However, most Atlantis theorists have focused on the eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Still, if Atlantis did exist, it might be somewhere least expected by the theorists thus far.

Who built the lost city of atlantis?

The lost city of Atlantis is a legendary civilization that has never been proven to exist. It was first mentioned by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias." Many theories exist about who built Atlantis, but there is no concrete evidence to support any specific claim.

How deep is atlantis?

Atlantis is a legendary island that has never been proven to exist, so its exact depth is unknown. According to myth, Atlantis was a large island that submerged into the ocean, but there is no scientific evidence to support its existence or specific depth.

Why cant you fly over atlantis?

You can not fly over Atlantis because it does not exist. According to a National Geographic investigation; the legend of Atlantis might have been inspired by a island nation in the Mediterranean Sea that was destroyed by a volcano/earthquake centuries ago.