Athletic supporters provide some protection. They pull your penis and testicles in tight against the body, which protects you from testicular torsion, and general soreness. However, a cup provides more protection from impact.
An athletic protector is an alternative name for a jockstrap or athletic supporter.
I played soccer for almost 13 years from about age 5 through high school. Wearing a youth athletic supporter was usually reccomended during the younger years and required equipment by high school. By "required" I mean that the school required that you had one physically available, not that anyone really checked to make sure you were wearing it during practice or games. In my experience many players chose to wear them, myself included. Anyone ever hit in the groin by a soccer ball will tell you why. My experience covers 4-years of varsity soccer at a public high school in the northeast US. I imagine however other schools and regions may have different requirements.
Generally, a supporter of any sports team is called a fan.
A financial supporter is someone who helps someone else of an organisation by providing money.
Clarence Darrow was the supporter of free speech in the Scopes trial.
An athletic protector is an alternative name for a jockstrap or athletic supporter.
athletic supporter
Yes, it would be a good idea. An athletic supporter keeps your genitals in place and prevents bouncing and twisting.
An athletic supporter or jockstrap supports mens or boys genitals against their body, preventing injury to the testicles and providing comfort during strenuous athletics. Supporters are also used to hold an athletic cup for use during contact sports, which protect the genitals from contact with other players or thrown or hit balls or pucks (as in baseball, lacrosse, hockey, etc.).
An athletic supporter, also known as a jockstrap, is a piece of athletic gear designed to provide support and protection to the male genitalia during physical activities such as sports. It typically consists of an elastic waistband and a pouch to hold a protective cup in place.
You should wear an athletic supporter during physical activities that involve running, jumping, or sudden movements to help provide support for the groin area and prevent potential injuries. It is especially recommended for sports that involve a high risk of impact or strain on the groin, such as football, hockey, or basketball.
Top brands of athletic supporter include Jockey, Duke, and Mueller. While each brand has different ratings for comfort, fit, price, and materials, what is important is that you find one which fits you best.
An athletic supporter with cup is sometimes called a cup jock or a jock cup. it is a jockstrap that has a pocket in front that a hard plastic cup sldes inside of to protect your penis and testicles from getting hit.
Jockstrap, men's undergarment designed for use in sports
Mark Antony, well known as an athlete (he ran in the Lupercal race you know), which makes him an athletic supporter. Crassus was allied with Caesar in the civil war with Pompey.
Some answers are mouth guard, athletic supporter, and golf ball