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No, Carl Lewis last competed at the 1996 Summer Games in Atlanta.

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Q: Does Carl Lewis still compete in the Olympics?
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In which sport does carl Lewis compete in?

Track and Field

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When did Carl Lewis?

Carl Lewis is not dead he is 51 he is still living

Who won the men's 100m at the 1988 Olympics?

Carl Lewis.

In which sport did Carl Lewis compete?

Carl Lewis was an American track and field athlete who won 10 medals in Olympic competition.

When did carl Lewis die?

Carl Lewis is not dead he is 51 he is still living

Did Carl Lewis die?

Carl Lewis is not dead he is 51 he is still living

How many Olympics did Carl Lewis compete in?

Track and Field * 100 meters * 200 meters * 4x100 meter relay * Long Jump

What year did Carl Lewis die?

Actually, Carl Lewis is still alive today. He was born in 1961 and is currently 51 years old.

When did Lewis?

Carl Lewis is not dead he is 51 he is still living

What athlete has won the most career medals at the summer Olympics?

carl lewis