Notre Dame has the most with 96 Hall of Famers, seven of them being Heisman winners.
Galen Hall, who was Smith's coach at the University of Florida from the 1987 to 1989 college football seasons.
Paul Bear Bryant
Often times they do, but not always.
University of Arkansas
I am a football coach and i can tell you from experience that Physical education is the best major or any kind of education to teach your players.
you can get a degree in sports management
Sporting News College Football Coach of the Year was created in 1963.
Brian Kelly attended Assumption College in Massachusetts where he played as a linebacker while working on a political science degree.
bachelors degree
Nick Saban
Couldn't hurt
Bobby Bowden from Florida State, was the first college football coach to earn $1 million for a season in 2001.
Bob Stoops of OU football team
what college did Jim and John Harbaugh play football? Jim played at Michigan and John played at Miami. Jack did not coach his sons in college.
Galen Hall, who was Smith's coach at the University of Florida from the 1987 to 1989 college football seasons.