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Q: Do the la clippers and lakers represent different parts of LA?
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They don't, unless you mean the smaller ones on the larger ones. The larger, uncoloured circles represent the orbital paths of the electrons of the atoms. The smaller, coloured circles represent the different parts of the atom, like the protons, neutrons, and electrons.

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I think its by repairing different parts of a car that represent different prices. hope this helps.

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The letter "a" could represent different parts of an organism depending on the context. Generally, it could refer to structures like "abdomen," "anther," or "antenna" in different organisms.

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Windpipe is the common name for the trachea. These names represent the same structure.

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You can tell because the different parts of the snake have captions over them (For example: New England = N.E

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Yes, they all represent different aspects of the omni-present Supreme Being and World Soul, Brahman, the ultimate God of Hinduism.

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A battery is like the Mitochondria, because it stores energy and gives things energy Walls and Doors are like the Cell Membrane, because the walls hold the house together , and the doors let things in and out of the house hope this helps

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When the world was created the different fruits represent different parts of the world. So the orange represents the world and god made the world and we pray to god in our churches.