

Do Romans still chariot race

Updated: 8/22/2023
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11y ago

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About the only resemblance Roman chariot races and our horse races have today is the betting on the outcome. True we have harness racing where one horse pulls a cart, but the horse has to be controlled, that is, he has to run at a pace or a trot. The Romans, however, had rather light weight racing chariots pulled by (usually) four horses and they ran at breakneck speed four times around the circuit.

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12y ago

If u consider d carz as motorised charriots...dey do..:-)):-))

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11y ago

No. Cariot races were popular during antiquity. They were a feature of ancient Roman civilisation. They went out of favour centuries ago.

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Where did the Romans race four horse chariots?

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Why do the Romans like to race in chariots?

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Chariot Race - 1903 was released on: USA: January 1903

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