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Q: Did the Virginians think of themselves as Americans or Virginians?
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Why do you think Americans were more loyal to their states than to the new country in the 1770's?

People identified themselves as Virginians or New Yorkers rather than as Americans.

How do you think the Civil War influenced the way later generations felt about America?

Having survived a bloody and terrible trial, Americans came to understand the strength of the bonds that held them together. People began to think of themselves not as New Yorkers or as Virginians, but as Americans. And in time, everyone in the nation would experience pride in the country's achievements, and sadness in its tragedies.

What do people from other countries think Americans are like?

everybody has their own opinion in my case, i think Americans think they areawesome. they think to good of themselves.

What is the answer for George Washington and thomas Jefferson but not john Addams on poptropica?

The answer is: Virginians.

When was Virginians created?

Virginians was created in 1952.

When was The Virginians created?

The Virginians was created in 1857.

How many pages does The Virginians have?

The Virginians has 758 pages.

What is the plural possessive of Virginians?

The word Virginians is already plural.The plural possessive is Virginians' (e.g. Many Virginians' family trees can be traced back to the early English settlers.)

What do you call the people who live in Virginia?

Residents of Virginia are called Virginians.

When was Richmond Virginians created?

Richmond Virginians was created in 1954.

When was The Marching Virginians created?

The Marching Virginians was created in 1974.

When was The New Virginians created?

The New Virginians was created in 1972.