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I doubt it as there are several referees on the field.

The Vikings lost fair and square in the '09-'10 NFC championship between the two teams.

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Q: Did somebody bribe the referee on the Vikings Saints game?
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What is the punishment for a football referee taking a bribe?

The league that the referee works under would probably discipline or fire/dismiss him or her. Taking a bribe in a situation like this may also constitute a crime, maybe even a felony, depending on where you live, so it could open the referee up to criminal prosecution as well. Civil liability by any party adversely affected by the bribe could also occur.

Can somebody go to a house and bribe them to say hi and then become a friend with them?

What kind of question is that

How will you distinguish a bribe from a gift?

A gift is given with friendlyness and caringness will excepting nothing back wereas a bribe is a gift given for a sole reason usally to keep somebody quiet or wanting something in return.

Can somebody please give me a free RS2 - Rune Scape account?

only if you bribe them. i can give you a newbie acc lvl 3 =)

Noun form of bribe?

Bribe Bribe can be a noun and a verb eg verb -- He tried to bribe me. noun -- He offered me a bribe.

Is bribe an adjective?

No. It can be a verb -- to bribe-- or a noun -- a bribe.

What is spectrum bribe who are involved in the bribe?

spectrum bribe is concerned to telecommunications. it is under investigation.

What is the duration of The Bribe?

The duration of The Bribe is 1.63 hours.

Who should be punished 'a bribe giver or bribe taker'?


When was The Bribe created?

The Bribe was created on 1949-02-03.

What is an antonynm for bribe?

An antonym for bribe is "honesty" or "integrity."

How do you say bribe in Yiddish?

In Yiddish, the word for "bribe" is "שחד" (shochad).