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The Hittites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians Egyptians and Gauls used the chariot for warfare. The Greeks, Etruscans and Romans did not, probably because they lived in or near mountainous areas.

For battles, chariots were used as a crush force which had a devastating effect on enemy lines and as mobile platforms for archers. In some civilisations they were also used for hunting. Chariots were also used as an individual mode of transport by the rich. In the early days of Rome it was aristocratic women which used it as transport, which they used to get about the city. The Greeks held chariot races at the Olympic Games and other games (the Isthmian Games in Corinth, Nemean Games in Nemea, Pythian Games in Delphi, and Panathenaic Games in Athens). The Romans held chariot races as part of religious games which were given the name circenses (from circus, the Latin name for Chariot Racing track) because they included or consisted of chariot racing. Together with the gladiatorial games, it was the favourite form of entertainment. In Rome chariots were also used in trumps. These were victory in battle celebrations. The victorious king (during the monarchic period), military commanders (during the republican period) or emperors (during the period of rule by emperors) rode a chariot during the parade.

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for better transportation rather than always riding horses and walking

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15y ago

they invented chariots to move faster and destroy more people in wars and battles. chariots were improved and today's modern Chariot is the wagon or car.

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most historians think that the Mesopotamians were the first to build the two-wheeled carts, and it was the conquering Hyksos who brought them to Egypt around 1600 B.C.

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War vehicles.

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Q: Did mesopotamians invent the first chariot?
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Did the Hittites invent the chariot?

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The well known horse drawn chariot was first built towards the end of the first century BC. These were not made by the Egyptians, but in fact the Mesopotamians.

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