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Camp was born in the city of New Britain, Connecticut, the son of Everett Lee and Ellen Sophia (Cornwell) Camp. He attended Hopkins Grammar School in New Haven, entered Yale College in 1875, and graduated in 1882. At Yale he was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilonfraternity, the Linonian Society, and Skull and Bones.[2]He attended Yale Medical School from 1880 to 1883, where his studies were interrupted first by an outbreak of typhoid fever and then by work for the Manhattan Watch Company.

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12y ago

he has a brother name jimmy who is 100, and a sister who is dead her name was susan

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Holly Wever

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Q: Did Walter camp have any siblings?
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Why is Walter Camp important?

Walter Camp transformed rugby football into American football. For more information about Walter Camp see the link below.

Did Walter camp invent any other inventions besides gridiron?

King Camp invented the safety razor

Where did Walter Camp graduate?

Walter Camp graduated Yale College in 1882.

What is Walter Camp's birthday?

Walter Camp was born on April 7, 1859.

When was Walter Mason Camp born?

Walter Mason Camp was born in 1867.

When was Walter Camp Award created?

Walter Camp Award was created in 1967.

When did Walter Mason Camp die?

Walter Mason Camp died in 1925.

Who were Walter diemer's siblings?

I don't think that Walter Diemer ever had siblings.