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Not as a general rule. Though they may have produced some.

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Q: Did Nazi U-boat factories produce sail boats?
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What did Nazi slaves produce?

Whatever they were told to, because Arbeit macht frei. Or so they were told.Among other things, inmates in concentration camps were used as forced labor in rubber factories, airplane factories, coal mines and rocket fuel plants.

What were women of Nazi Germany expected to do?

produce children...............

What was the drug on the handkerchief to distract the nazi dogs on boats so the fishermen can escape jews?

i doubt that Jews were hunting fishermen.

How was the Nazi concentration system the ultimate nightmare of Western industrialization?

The Nazi concentration system was the ultimate nightmare of Western industrialization because of all the deaths. They were designed similar to Western factories but received a bad reputation because of the Nazis.

How did Nazi turn Holocaust in to a business?

Prisoners in the German concentration camps were used as slave laborers in many of the German factories, mines, railroads and so forth................

Why were Nazi women encouraged to have as many children as possible?

The idea was to produce lots of future soldiers.

Why was Blitz done to british citizen?

If you are talking about the Nazi bombing campaign, The Night Blitz was the secondary stage of the battle of Britain. When the Nazi's used daytime bombing, British pilots(arguably the best in the world at the time) using their advanced hurricane and spitfire fighters(superior to the Nazi equivalent) inflicted such heavy losses on the Nazi bombers that the raids became incredibly costly. When the Nazi's switched to nightime bombing, the Hurricane and Spitfire fighters were rendered innefective and allowed the Nazi's to bomb the UK unimpeded until the Brits developed night fighters. The overall strategic objective of both bombing campaigns was to cripple English production capability by destroying factories, and thereby open England up to invasion across the Channel. Eventually the Nazi's stopped focusing on bombing factories and turned to indiscriminate bombing of civilian housing that was intended to break the will of the British people. That effort failed fairly spectacularly.

How did the Nazi Germany manufacture weapons in World War 2?

They used unedrgraund factories or natural caves (see jeskyně Výpustek, Česká republika).

Did the Nazi party produce any weapons?

they created the mg42, mp40, fg42, stg44, panzershrick, and the first bslistic missle.

Were there female nazi soldiers?

No, but young childless women had to 'do their bit', usually in munitions factories. A few were put in uniform and did various administrative jobs, and a small number ran the women's concentration camps.

Was there ever a Nazi base in Antarctica?

No base was ever developed on the Antarctic continent by the Nazi regime. However, there were fly-overs that purportedly dropped Nazi flags on the ice. From WebUrbanist: "One of the most mysterious episodes in Antarctic exploration involves Nazi Germany, who claimed and explored a large area of Antarctica in the late 1930s. The expeditions included Dornier flying boats that mapped and photographed extensive areas of "New Swabia". The planes dropped a series of Nazi flag pennants and boundary poles over the territory, none of which have been recovered… yet."

What was the name of the largest German concentration camp?

Auschwitz was the largest Nazi concentration camp. It consisted of three camps on the main site and a further 45 subcamps, including an agricultural research farm and factories.