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No, aaron was the current home run king with 755 when he retired. Barry Bonds has now broken that record. So bonds has more homeruns.

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Q: Did Hank Aaron hit more home runs then Barry Bonds?
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How many more home runs did Barry Bonds hit than Hank Aaron?

Barry Bonds had 762 home runs and Hank Aaron had 755.

Who broke the home run record before Barry Bonds?

Hank Aaron

Who hit the most home runs without steroids?

Hank Aaron has the 2nd highest career HR's after Barry Bonds. Hank Aaron has never been linked to steroid use and Barry Bonds has so the answer would seem to be Hank Aaron.

Who is leading in home runs after Barry Bonds?

Barry Bonds hit 762 home runs. Hank Aaron is second all-time with 755.

Who hit more home runs than Baberuth?

barry bonds and hank aaron

Who has second most home runs?

1. Barry Bonds (762)2. Hank Aaron (755)

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Barry Bonds, Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth, Manny Ramirez Just For Some

Does anyone have more total home runs than Babe Ruth?

yeah,barry bonds and hank aaron have more

What team did Barry Bonds hit his home run to pass Hank Aaron?

The Washington Nationals and pitcher Mike Bascik.

Who has most home runs?

The cheater Barry Bonds techinically has the most hopme runs but the home run king is Hank Aaron -j.R.C

Who beat Hank Aarons home run record?

As of now, the records state that Barry Bonds broke Aaron's career home run record.

Who hit more home runs Babe Ruth or Lou Gehrig?

Babe Ruth hit 714 career home runs. Lou Gehrig had 493.