No. They had been around for a couple of thousand years in the Middle East before Rome became more than a village.
Although the Latins are recorded early on as using chariots (see Aeneid), the Romans adopted mainly infantry tactics, and quickly learned to neutralise chariots, so they quickly disappeared from the Italian battlefield. The Hellenistic kingdoms in the east persiated with chariots for an extra century or so but learnt that they were a liability against the Roman countermeasures.
No, the Greeks did not invent the train. They knew of steam power, but lacked the advanced technology and the materials know-how needed to come up with a train.
Although the Greeks did invent the Olympics, they do not own it. It is owned by the International Olympic Committee.
The gods they worshipped
No, the the Greeks did not invent the number zero. The Mayans were the ones to create the number zero.
Greeks invented many weapons. One such weapon was the ballista which was used by the Greeks as a siege weapon in war.
The Chariot
The ancient Greeks invented the Chariot race,Discus and the 60 mater sprint.
The Greeks did not invent pizza.
Yes they did
To invent the chariot, and have Athens named after her.
the olympics
! well I'm Greek so i should know that the ancient Greeks DID invent democracy!
yes the greek did invent the flamethrower
There is great debate whether the Assyrians, Egyptians, or Hittites invented the chariot. Although, the chariot originated in Mesopotamia around 3000 BC. You decide.
No, it was the Egyptians.