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Yes, Brett Favre does throw the tight spiral.

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Q: Did Brett Favre throw a tight spiral?
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What NFL qb threw the tightest spiral?

While no true comparative study has been done, Drew Brees' spiral has been found to be extremely tight with no statistically significant deviation from a "perfect" spiral. While other quarterbacks of the present or past may have grounds for claiming the tightest spiral, Drew Brees was chosen for scientific study, which is telling in and of itself.

How can you throw a football further?

To throw a football, hold the football in your hand with the laces under your fingertips. Then pull your arm back, to your head or past it. Bring your arm forward in a slightly curved outward motion, overhand. As you release the ball, close your hand, bringing your fingers inward (as if making a fist), pulling down on the laces to impart a spiral spin to the ball. On a hard throw, twist your upper body to the side away from that arm, to add power, and your arm should curve back in front of your body. On a softer throw, it will move forward, and then downward as the elbow straightens. Practice your throwing motion until you can consistently hit a standard bed pillow placed 40 feet (10 m) away, or until you can put the ball into a moving player's hands at that distance or less.

Does shoes effect a person while taking a free throw?

Shoes can in fact effect a shooter. If their shoes are too tight or uncomfortable, the shooter may not be able yo find a comfortable position to shoot in.

What is the dress code for grand old opera?

I don't think there is any dress code. But don't show up in a really tight outfit that would be inappropriate. They might throw you out. Try to dress nicely.

When did Samuel Morse become famous?

Type your answer here... tight the tight

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You have an authentic Green Bay Packers Brett Favre jersey that was giving to you by your brother bubba franks who was Brett Favres tight end and he had Brett Favre sign the jersey what is the value?

The best way to find out how much it is worth is to go to and figure it out.

How do you throw the javelin?

to throw a javelin you need a tight grip and an accurate aim also a powerful throw

What can i do to not throw my tennis racket?

Hold on tight!

What is a tight group of older stars located in the halo of spiral galaxies?

Global Cluster

How much does a spiral perm cost?

A spiral perm is one that involves creating long, tight ringlets through the use of chemicals and hair curlers. Typically, one could expect to spend upwards of 75 dollars on a spiral perm.

When you ride a horse unless your butt cheeks are held will get saddle sores..Cowboys wear tight wrangler jeans to hold their cute buns together to prevent saddle sores.wranglers rule..?

Because Brett Favre wears them... What a ridiculous comment to make and so untrue. You are far more likely to get sores if you do hold your butt cheeks tight. me i ride for hours at a time and with no ill effects in a norm pair of trousers or shorts some days. While it may be pleasing for a guy to see a lady in tight jeans etc that is about all in my eyes they are good for, i hate jeans

What NFL qb threw the tightest spiral?

While no true comparative study has been done, Drew Brees' spiral has been found to be extremely tight with no statistically significant deviation from a "perfect" spiral. While other quarterbacks of the present or past may have grounds for claiming the tightest spiral, Drew Brees was chosen for scientific study, which is telling in and of itself.

What is spraili pasta?

You must mean 'Spiralli' - that is a flat slice about 1/2 x 2 inches twisted into a spiral. -Similar to Rotini, but not so tight.

How can you throw a rainbow pass perfectly to your receivers?

First, you must hold the ball correctly, which can be in different positions depending on the size of your hands. I hold the ball with my ring finger behind the last lace and my pinky in front of it, with my other hand on the back of the ball until I am ready to throw, because I'm a rather small person. (I wear size 8 gloves.) Take a step or two forward whilst cocking your arm into the throwing position and lash it forward, squeezing the ball just before you release it. This ensures a tight spiral on the ball. Aim about 5 yards in front of the inside shoulder of the receiver (the one more toward yourself) and throw the ball at about a 45 degree angle. As you throw the ball, flick your wrist forward to put a spin on the ball almost as if you are waving goodbye at it. This helps with the spiral. If done correctly, you will throw a long, tight spiral that hangs long enough that your receiver will be able to run under it, and you will put it in a position that no one else will be able to get to it. Practice makes perfect, now go get 'em.What you have to do is have a perfect comfortable grip on the ball. Keep your feet about a foot and a half apart. Keep your shoulder pointed at your target. Keep your hips and legs loose. Hold the ball chest level and cock your arm back. Thrust the ball in a forward position and while your doing that snap your wrist downward. Hold the ball tight before releasing for tighter spirals. If you do this correctly the ball will fly through the air perfectly. Tip: Don't roll your fingers off the ball, it messes people up and does not produce tight spirals.

What kind of cluster is a tight group of older stars in the halo of spiral galaxies called?

I think you are describing a "globular cluster", which are associated with older stars by most astronomers.

Is there a way to prevent sheets from rolling up in a tight ball while in the dryer?

buy a cheap pair of canvas shoes and throw them in with it

How can you throw a football further?

To throw a football, hold the football in your hand with the laces under your fingertips. Then pull your arm back, to your head or past it. Bring your arm forward in a slightly curved outward motion, overhand. As you release the ball, close your hand, bringing your fingers inward (as if making a fist), pulling down on the laces to impart a spiral spin to the ball. On a hard throw, twist your upper body to the side away from that arm, to add power, and your arm should curve back in front of your body. On a softer throw, it will move forward, and then downward as the elbow straightens. Practice your throwing motion until you can consistently hit a standard bed pillow placed 40 feet (10 m) away, or until you can put the ball into a moving player's hands at that distance or less.