batting for average means when you go up to bat. its basically an average of how many hits u get out of how many plate appearances you have
Chipper Jones won the 2008 National League Batting title with a .364 batting average, and Joe Mauerwon the 2008 American League batting title with a .328 batting Average.
Hanley Ramirez won the 2009 National League Batting title with a .342 batting average, and Joe Mauer won the 2009 American League batting title with a .365 batting Average.
265 batting average.
The average batting average of all teams in the National League in 2008 was .260. The average batting average of all teams in the American League in 2008 was .268.
Ty Cobb had a lifetime batting average of .366
define the term "electromegnetism".
In a daily temp. average, there is high and low, also the term mean temperature. Define mean temperature.
define the term sound
= Define the term map as used in engineering drawing?" =
the study of currency
What term?
A large area of Sea that has land almost all the way around it
define d term GOVERNMENT
a can of meat
The term
a side