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Q: Curbs painted redyellow or white are designated as?
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When there are two white lines painted from one sidewalk to the opposite side What is it?

It's called a crosswalk, and it serves as a designated area for pedestrians to cross the roadway.

Do objects painted black dry faster than painted white?

yes objects painted black dry faster than those painted white because the black absorbs more heat than the white

Who painted White on White?

Kasimir Malevich

Who painted the White House white?

james hoban

What enhancements did they make to the White House?

Painted it white

What was painted white after the british blew it up?

The White House

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Why are most of the houses in the desert painted white?

Most houses in the desert are painted white as white reflects the heat and does not allow for the walls to absorb it. On the other hand a black house would absorb all heat and the house would be a lot hotter then if it was painted white.

Who invented the black and white keyboard?

Elisha Gray invented the black and white keyboard in 1874. The Major keys were painted white and the minor keys were painted black.

Juan painted his cubes with all 6faces white Julie painted her cube solid green hector painted 4faces white 2faces green how many cubes could be painted so that each cube is diff from the others?


Are homes in the Dominican Republic normally painted white or grey?

No. The houses are usually painted with beautiful, colorful paintings.

Has Cape Lookout Lighthouse ever been painted?

The Cape Lookout Lighthouse has been painted many times. It was originally painted red and white, but when it was rebuilt the new lighthouse was painted with black and white diamonds. It is repainted every few years.