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No it use to be that way not anymore it has to be 1 year after you graduated highschool in order to join

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14y ago

Yes, Kobe did.

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Q: Can you go to the nba out of high school?
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How do you make the NBA?

You had to been playing the NBA in high school and college and if they draft you then you go to the NBA

What high school do you need to go to be a pro nba referee?

Lyons HIgh School

Where did Dwight Howard go to high school?

he did not play college ball he came to the NBA as a 1st pick from high school in the NBA draft

How long does an NBA player have to go to college?

An NBA player can be drafted or signed right out of high school.

Should you be able to go to the NBA right out of high school?

No, you have to go to college next.

Where did LeBron go to college?

He did not go to college, because the NBA thought he was good enough to jump from High school, right to the NBA.

Did Dwight Howard go to collage?

No he did not he went to the nba straight from high school.

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No, he had went to college.

Who was the first high school basketball player to go straight to the NBA?

moses malone

Did Kevin Garnet go to jr. college?

No. KG went from high school to the NBA.

Did Dwight Howard Skip college?

Dwight Howard was recruited into the NBA right out of high school. He plays for the Orlando Magic basketball team out of Florida. His position is usually a Forward.

What did Kobe Bryant study in college?

He didn't go to college since he was drafted to the NBA straight from high school.